Posted by Rupa Sehgal on June 19, 2020
Rupa Sehgal

This month we updated our COVID-19 support services and optimized our in-app triage process so you can get the care you need, quickly.

Read below for more information on our releases this month!


Daily check-in and help finding test centres for COVID-19

Chloe for COVID - checkin EN

As we gradually deconfine, there are still several questions and concerns regarding the COVID-19 pandemic—for example, how do we do this safely to avoid a second wave?

Chloe for COVID-19, our virtual medical assistant, is available via online chat to answer your questions and concerns on COVID-19. Connect with Chloe for help with assessing your symptoms, what to do if you tested positive for COVID-19, or for finding a testing centre.

* NEW * Daily Follow-up 

We recently added a daily check-in feature for those who have or are experiencing symptoms or are self-isolating. If you choose to opt-in, you’ll receive an SMS every day with a link to a series of questions to see how you’re doing, and report on any changes in your symptoms, so Chloe can evaluate your general health, and to provide recommendations on how to manage symptoms or next steps to take if needed. 

* NEW * Test Centre Locator  

Chloe for COVID - testing sites - ENAdditionally, we added a test centre locator for your convenience. If you need to get tested, this new feature enables you to find a test centre near you, as well as get their hours of operation and how to contact them to make an appointment.

Connect directly to Chloe for COVID-19 here, or by tapping the COVID-19 banner in your Dialogue app.

For more resources, including a return to work checklist and access to our deconfinement expert video series, visit our COVID-19 Resources webpage.


Dialogue app: Connect to our care team, quickly

triage-flow-ENJust like in a physical clinic or ER, virtual healthcare consultations also require a level of triage. For example, in the ER, triage is used to assign the degree of urgency. At Dialogue, we use our advanced triage to  reduce the time a patient waits before seeing a medical practitioner.  We do this by streamlining and simplifying the administrative data collection process—the part of the medical visit (in-person or virtual) that no one loves :) 

Our triage flow gathers pertinent information on your symptoms and medical history including any allergies to medications so that your time with our medical practitioner is 100% focused on resolving your healthcare issue. 

We’ve worked on several optimizations to our triage flow this month, and we also use AI-based technology to give you a smarter, faster triage process to connect you to the right medical practitioner, more quickly!


Self-guided wellness path: Let us know what you think

* For Stress Management & Well-Being Members Only *

MH Satisfaction ENLast month, we added a self-guided flow for members to be able to access our wellness resources at their own pace.

As we continue to build out this path, we want to know about your experience so far. Once you’re done getting answers to your questions via chat or with links to resources, you’ll be asked how satisfied you are on a scale from 1 to 5. We’re happy to get your feedback!




Beyond your fingertips—bug fixes and stability improvements

Behind-the-scenes optimizations and tweaks were also part of this month’s release to improve the member experience and stability of the app including:

  • A streamlined launch screen for simpler navigation

  • Optimizations to our care team’s platform, so member interactions are smoother and focused


Keep your app up-to-date

Our goal is to provide you with the best virtual healthcare experience. Don’t forget to keep your Dialogue app up-to-date to take advantage of the latest features. If you’re an iOS or Android user, you can turn on automatic updates to never miss one! 

To share feedback or new feature ideas, let your voice be heard by joining our Member Collective. Click here to find out more about this exclusive group.

Open the app

Topics: Product Updates

About the author

Rupa is the Product Marketing Manager at Dialogue. For 10+ years, she's worked with innovative technology companies to tell their product story, one feature at a time. Her current goal is to share how virtual healthcare has a real impact in people’s lives, by highlighting the amazing efforts of the primary & mental health care product teams at Dialogue.